As a parent, your top priority is to provide your family with the best life possible and protect them from harm. Unfortunately, life is unpredictable, and unexpected events can occur at any time, which can cause significant disruptions to your plans. Whether it's an illness, accident, or even death, these unforeseen circumstances can bring significant financial burdens to your loved ones.
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If you are going for a shorter duration then can take a budget plan otherwise opt for a comprehensive plan.
If you are going to a country where the current weather is not conducive enough for foreigners then opt for a plan accordingly.
If you already going through a treatment or likely to go through one so opt for a plan including pre-existing illness coverage.
If your trip is likely to be extended then opt for a plan which has an option for extension of the policy duration.
If you have dependents or you are traveling as a family or non-family group, then you may buy a plan for a group instead of individual unless there are some special requirements of other members.
If you are likely to travel multiple times a year then take a plan once for a longer duration so that you do not have to buy it every time you fly out.
What types of insurance should parents consider?
What is the difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance?
Is it necessary for both parents to have life insurance?
What is the difference between short-term and long-term disability insurance?
What does homeowners or renters insurance cover?
How do I choose the right insurance coverage for my family?
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