Essential Medicines for Students Going Abroad - A Guide to Ensure a Healthy Journey

June 27, 2023


study abroad, students, essential medicines, health checklist, packing tips, student health, medication guide, international education, staying healthy

Essential Medicines for Students Going Abroad: A Guide to Ensure a Healthy Journey


Embarking on a journey for higher education abroad is an exciting and transformative experience for students. Amid the hustle and bustle of preparations, it's crucial not to overlook the importance of maintaining good health. To ensure a smooth transition and be well-prepared for any health-related challenges, it is advisable for students to carry a selection of essential medicines. In this blog post, we will discuss a list of important medications that students should consider packing and provide information on their uses. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before self-administering any medication.


The demands of studying, adapting to a new environment, and managing a busy schedule can sometimes lead to nutritional imbalances. Multi-vitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall health and well-being.

Medical Kit:

A comprehensive medical kit is essential to address minor injuries, cuts, and wounds that may occur during day-to-day activities. Include items such as Band-Aids, antiseptic creams, gauze, and adhesive tape for basic wound care.


Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial, especially when adapting to new dietary habits and routines. Mouthwash helps keep breath fresh and fights bacteria, promoting good oral health.

Acidity Relief (Gelusil):

Changes in diet and lifestyle can sometimes lead to digestive issues, such as acidity. Carrying a medication like Gelusil can provide relief from symptoms like heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux.

Allergy Medication (Montus-L/Montek-LC):

Allergies can be triggered by various factors in a new environment. Medications like Montus-L or Montek-LC can help alleviate symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, and rashes caused by allergic reactions.

Infections and Fever (Levoday and Augmentin):

Routine infections, including throat pain, unexplained fever, and cough, and flu, can affect anyone, especially when exposed to new environments. Levoday and Augmentin are antibiotics commonly prescribed for such infections.


To combat fatigue, boost energy levels, and support the nervous system, B-complex supplements can be beneficial. They provide essential vitamins like B1, B2, B6, and B12, which are vital for maintaining overall health.

Cold and Flu Relief (Sinarest):

Changes in climate and exposure to new viruses can make students susceptible to cold and flu symptoms. Sinarest helps relieve symptoms like a runny nose, mild headache, fever, cough, and throat irritation.

Pain Relief (Dolocold/Chestoncold and Hifenac-P):

For occasional headaches, migraines, toothaches, muscle pain, or sprains, it's advisable to carry pain relief medications such as Dolocold/Chestoncold for cold-related pain and Hifenac-P for muscle pain.

Gastrointestinal Health (Nexpro RD40/Pantodac and Meftalspas/Cyclopam):

Digestive issues like hyperacidity or abdominal pain can be quite discomforting. Nexpro RD40/Pantodac helps reduce hyperacidity, while Meftalspas/Cyclopam can provide relief from abdominal pain and cramps.

Diarrhea Relief (Norflox TZ/Eldoper):

Changes in diet and water sources can sometimes lead to gastrointestinal infections and diarrhea. Carrying medications like Norflox TZ or Eldoper can help alleviate symptoms and restore normal bowel function.

Wound Care (Dermotriad Cream and Zole F Cream):

Minor cuts, wounds, or fungal skin infections may occur during daily activities. Dermotriad Cream can help prevent infection, while Zole F Cream is effective against fungal skin infections.

Fever and Pain Relief (Crocin and Crocin Pain Relief):

Crocin is a common over-the-counter medication used to reduce fever, while Crocin Pain Relief provides relief from various types of pain, including headaches, migraines, toothaches, and menstrual cramps.

Indigestion Relief (Pudin Hara/Digene/Digene Sachet):

Indigestion can be caused by dietary changes and stress. Carrying medications like Pudin Hara, Digene, or Digene Sachet can provide quick relief from symptoms like bloating, acidity, and gas.

Eye and Ear Care (Cipolex Eye Drops and Otogesic Ear Drops):

Eye and ear discomfort can occur due to various reasons, such as dryness, infections, or foreign particles. Cipolex Eye Drops and Otogesic Ear Drops can provide relief and alleviate symptoms.

Mouth Ulcer Relief (Smyle Mouth Ulcer Gel):

Mouth ulcers can be painful and uncomfortable, making it difficult to eat and speak. Smyle Mouth Ulcer Gel helps in soothing the ulcers and promoting faster healing.

Cough Relief (Bricarex and Benadryl):

Coughing can be disruptive, affecting sleep and daily activities. Carrying medications like Bricarex or Benadryl can help suppress cough symptoms and provide relief.

Antiseptic (Betadine):

A topical antiseptic like Betadine is essential for disinfecting minor wounds, cuts, and scratches to prevent infection.

Let’s wrap up

As students embark on their educational journey abroad, it's crucial to prioritize their health and well-being. Carrying a well-stocked medical kit with essential medications can help students effectively manage common health issues that may arise during their time away from home. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the suitability and proper usage of these medications. With proper preparation, students can focus on their studies and make the most of their international experience while staying healthy and safe.

Many students around the world dream of studying abroad. To ensure that you are able to accomplish your dreams, it is essential that you conduct smart research. To offset the cost of studying abroad, you should take advantage of all the opportunities available to you. What you will experience overseas will be unforgettable!

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